Sport supplements (Are these worth for use)
If you're a competitive athlete or a fitness buff, improving your sports performance is probably on your mind. Spending tons of time in the gym or at practice may offer results, but it's no shortcut, and sportsmen with busy lives may be looking for fast, effective results. It’s hard to open a sports magazine without being bombarded with advertisements pertaining to sports supplements unambiguously drawing your attention to procure the sports supplements to make you significantly bigger, stronger, leaner, faster or whatever to be a best athlete in your sports. How can you refuse such a tempting offer or better still how can you afford to let your competitor get the edge that you don’t have when even your dietician or the doctors are also being the underpins of this theory.
Most of the foods you see on the shelves of your local grocery store and the drugs your doctor prescribes for you are regulated by a government agency called the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA ensures that many foods, beverages, and drugs adhere to certain safety standards. But sports supplements aren't regulated by the FDA, and no sports supplements have been tested on kids and teens. That means that scientists and doctors don't know whether supplements are safe or effective for teens to use. Lots of sports organizations have developed policies on sports supplements. The National Football League (NFL), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have banned the use of steroids, ephedra, and androstenedione by their athletes, and competitors who use them face fines, ineligibility, and suspension from their sports. Still each year billions of dollars are spent in search of the bottle of the “Winning Edge” and every year a new set of wonder substances replaces the last one, these facts and figures are “official”, and can be accepted as being substantially true. But do these sports supplements really work and are they safe? Sports supplements (also called ergogenic acid) are pharmacological products which are used to improve the athletic performance in human beings. These are available in market in different forms such as proteins, vitamins, man made drugs, amino acids and herbs. Creatine, Androstenedione and DHEA, Human growth hormone, antioxidants, are some of the most popular known categories of supplements consumed by athletes in sporting events often to beat their competitors. Athletes usually concedes that such supplements helps them to boost their strength, stimulate their muscle mass and unleash their stamina. They believe that the nutrition which they are getting from the normal food supply is inadequate for them and hence get involved in supplementation. Muscles consist of 75% water, 20% protein and 5% salts and other components. Muscle contraction relies on the protein portion, arranged in the form of muscle fibres: thousands of cylindrical protein filaments mainly made from Actin and Myosin.Sporting performance is directly dependant on muscle contraction. Consequently, muscle integrity is as essential as a good supply of energy. For this reason, proteins, and particularly those involved in muscle architecture and contraction have a very important role in sport.Supplementation no doubt can stimulate the muscle mass but for an interim period and is not an essential requirement in strength training of athletes. Supplements such as antioxidants, proteins and amino acids are the integral components of diet, but additional oral supplementation does not increase endurance or strength.
Many factors go into your abilities as an athlete - including your diet, how much sleep you get, genetics and heredity, and your training program - but the fact is that using sports supplements do have significant side effects that may put you at risk for serious health conditions. So, keeping in view all the adverse effects of the supplements it is recommended for the athletes that they should not waste their valuable money in buying these supplements, instead more emphasis should be laid towards energy rich diets and nutrient enriched foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meat and low fat dairy products and the last but not the least athletes should be made aware on effectiveness and the potential harmful effects of dietary supplements which they are adding into their diet.
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