Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools

Amongst the famous maxims of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte is, “Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.” By coining this maxim he wanted to convey that if a person has a strong determination then nothing is impossible for him.
The world is divided into two classes: those who believe the incredible, and those who do the improbable. The former is often addressed as an imbecile and the latter who apply themselves wholly and indefatigably to their ambitions are omnipotent and are awarded the epithet of “innovators”.
“Where there is a will there is a way,” is an old and true saying and even if there isn‘t a way either I‘ll find it or make one should be the theme of our will .
The fools keep on talking about impossible because they fear to face the failure. To face success one needs a heart to face the failures. For once the failure is tasted; the fear of facing it goes off. We get the strength to take the risks more easily. We’ll not want to snuggle in our comfort zone anymore-we will be ready to fly. And success is about flying, not snuggling.
Electricity and light bulb were impossibilities. Humans safe passage through the sky was unfeasible. But Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers went and did it anyway. Things are impossible only because we perceive them to be impossible. The world makes a way for a man who knows where he is going.
Now it’s our turn to begin our own dynasty-one that brings us greater fulfillment while simultaneously providing immense value to the world around us.

Injustice with the Name for Fame

The renaming of a place is predominantly done to commemorate noteworthy persons or incidents associated with the place and to perpetuate the memories of that person or incident. But renaming a place doesn’t mean that its development process gets elevated too. This sounds alike the palimpsests, the root problems of the predecessor remains the same, neither does the impediments vanish dramatically. A moot question arise that if in a place myriads of people have been the exemplifiers then what to do? How many times will the place be renamed? In the vast Diasporas what do the honourable Ministers want to prove by renaming the places, do they want to prove themselves as exemplifiers of being iconoclasts or just to mesmerize the public? The renaming of the places is just a trivial issue, instead of basking over such trivial issues; the honourable Ministers should focus on the ways to surmount the impediments of the cities/towns development process. They should look into the tangible issues of the general public. There are myriads of tangible issues which impedes the development of the city/town and finally a nation. Removal of slum areas to foster urbanization, refurbishment of the dilapidated roads etc. are few of such issues which need immediate attention. For doing so if needed a call for a strategic multifaceted plan addressing a holistic approach to improve the quality of life may be made. The Ministers should be eager to elevate a city entrenched in seemingly impossible challenges, and if needed the Ministers should even breach the typical governmental patterns to reach beyond usual solutions and have a demonstrable and tangible impact on improving people‘s quality of life.

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Devendra Lingwal

Devendra Lingwal



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